Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Shameless Plug..... Lol....

A great great great friend o' mine, Matthew "Motherfuckin" Tricky, has a video blog, or video..... news cast, or whatever he calls it. But the name is "First Perk Daily" and he's just a great ball of energy and he gives some fun facts, has the viewers take part in some stuff, and he's just an all around good person.
You don't have to follow it faithfully, but at least humor me now and play just a little bit of it.

When he refers to "town" he means the fantastical town of Yakima, Washington and Manic Thunder is the improv troop that him, my dad, and a bunch of friends are in. If you're anywhere near the area, I'd highly recommend going sometime.

Matthew, I lub you.


  1. Wow this guy has a really nice voice and a lot of energy. I will have to check out more of his video blogs. He is really funny!

  2. He should be a radio dj

  3. ^^no offense, he just has a radio voice imo
